Friday, 28 January 2011

Friday Afternoon Music - Tennis

This is the perfect summer music, lucky it is Friday afternoon because I really think this music needs a cocktail accompaniment.

I came across Tennis thanks to the ever informative Donnybrook Writing Academy  who are always good for a for a different view on the way things are

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Gangs of New York

This amazing  editorial shot by Mario Testino and styled by Grace Coddington has just appeared in the February edition of US Vogue. The fashion is beautiful but the styling really brings it to life. 

To see more inspirational images from this shoot have a look at Fashion Editorials.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Covetable Shoes and Embroidered Graffiti

The perfect pair of sneakers! These toile keds embroidered by American artist Richard Saja are the perfect mix of style and irreverence. More of these great shoes can be seen on Richard's beautifully named blog Historically Inaccurate.

I also had to include this piece - Clowns Fleeing a Fire - from an upcoming exhibition.

Richard's work has been referred to as embroidered graffiti by trendhunter, check out the amazing couch featured in this trendhunter piece.